“Do Not Use” order lifted

Town of Louisa Officials and Staff would like to announce that after two rounds of full Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) laboratory testing, the County has communicated with the Virginia Department of Health (VDH), which has stated that the water meets all current standards.  Accordingly, VDH authorized lifting the “DO NOT USE” order which was issued for the Town of Louisa and the Louisa County Water Authority customers.


All customers are advised to thoroughly flush your premise plumbing.  If you have outside faucets it is recommended to open these for an initial flush.  Then flush your taps (both hot and cold water) for at least 10-15 minutes and flush toilets several times to ensure that any trace contaminants are fully removed.   Open available windows and doors during this process to ensure full ventilation of any odors.  Dump any ice you may have.  The water distribution system was fully flushed – as is often the case when this occurs, users should expect some discoloration, sediment or odors during initial water use.  This should clear up after a few minutes of flushing.  If you have questions about odors or this process, contact the County’s Information Hotline at 540.967.3496. 


Extensive evaluation and external laboratory testing by state authorities of samples have shown the drinking water to be within acceptable parameters.  However, personnel will continue to test the system today and over the weekend to ensure that the contaminant was fully removed.  Investigation of the source continues. 


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